LPN to BSN Programs in Wyoming

Wyoming LPN to BSN Programs

Nurses in the state of Wyoming can expect to make approximately $13 to $21 an hour if they hold an LPN certificate. Earning an advanced nursing degree, such as a bachelor’s of science in nursing degree, can help nurses increase their hourly wage. A nurse with a BSN degree can expect to earn approximately $21 to $40 an hour. Practicing LPN nurses in the state of Wyoming can earn their advanced nursing degree with the help of an accelerated bridge program known as the LPN to BSN program.

The LPN to BSN program is designed to help practicing LPN nurses use their experience and knowledge to earn an advanced nursing degree. This nursing program teaches students the same information they would learn in a BSN program, but in half the time. Nursing students can complete the LPN to BSN program in three to four years, while a traditional BSN program can take four to six years to complete. The faster pace of this program is attributed to the fact that students can test out of basic nursing courses or they can choose to use their work experience towards their clinicals.

Nursing students who enroll in an LPN to BSN program will be expected to take a variety of traditional college courses. Courses ranging from English lit to social sciences will be required as part of a nursing student’s basic education. A nursing student will have the freedom to choose what courses they take. However, they will be expected to maintain a 2.5 GPA in their courses. This 2.5 GPA is required for students to be considered for their advanced nursing program. Many schools will consider students with a higher GPA over those with a lower GPA for an LPN to BSN program, especially if the spaces are limited.

The admissions process for the LPN to BSN program is very similar to any four year college program. Nursing students will be required to submit proof of their high school diploma or GED certificate, SAT and ACT test results and letters of recommendation. In addition, nursing students will be required to submit additional information to their school of choice. They will be required to provide a current and valid LPN certificate and submit proof that they held a job as an LPN nurse for at least six months. All of these items are required before a student will be considered for admissions into an LPN to BSN program.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in Wyoming