LPN to BSN Programs in New Hampshire

New Hampshire LPN to BSN Programs

Nursing can be a very lucrative career. It is estimated that a nurse with an LPN certificate can earn between $12 and $20 an hour, while a nurse with a BSN degree can earn almost twice that amount. The hourly wage for a nurse with a BSN degree is between $20 and $35 an hour. Nurses who currently hold an LPN certificate in the state of New Hampshire might be eligible to enroll in a program that allows them to earn their advanced nursing degree without having to quit their current nursing job.

The LPN to BSN program offered by many traditional and online colleges is an accelerated nursing program that allows nurses to work on earning their advanced nursing degree. The course is structured very similar to a traditional BSN program. However, there are a few differences. The biggest difference is the amount of time it takes to earn the BSN degree. A traditional BSN degree program can take four to six years to complete, while the LPN to BSN program is designed to be completed in three to four years.

The reason the LPN to BSN program is able to be completed so quickly is because nurses have the option to test out of basic nursing courses. These are courses that the nurses may have learned the knowledge and skills taught in the course while on the job. A nurse can take a written test and if they pass they are exempt from taking the basic nursing course. Another reason the program moves so quickly is the ability to use real world work experience towards clinicals. Every nursing student needs to take part in clinicals, but current nurses may be able to use the experience they earn while on the job towards their degree.

The admissions process to an LPN to BSN program in the state of New Hampshire is very similar to any four year college program. Prospective students are required to submit proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate, SAT and ACT scores, and a completed admissions packet. Nurses who wish to apply to the LPN to BSN program will need to submit additional information to the school. They will need to submit proof of a valid and current New Hampshire LPN certificate and proof that they held a job in the nursing industry for at least six months. All of this information is required to be considered for the LPN to BSN program.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in New Hampshire