DNP Programs in Alaska

DNP Programs in Alaska – Benefits of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree

In the competitive healthcare field, many professionals say that the more education one has, the better. This is true when it comes to nursing due to the increasing demand for nurses with higher levels of education who can perform some of the duties of a physician. A Doctor of Nursing Practice degree is one way in which to earn these extra credentials. Looking into various DNP programs that are offered in Alaska is the first step to earning this degree.

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

Some examples of the types of courses that one could expect to take as part of these Alaska DNP programs include Health Policy, Advanced Health Promotion across Diverse Cultures, and Evidence-Based Practice. When comparing different DNP programs, it is important to look into what courses and specializations are offered. Some programs may have greater degree requirements and some may allow a student to have more control over which courses and electives he or she can take.

The main difference between the DNP and Phd is that the former focuses on clinical practice while the latter is research-focused. Thus, the DNP is a more practical degree for those who intend to work as an advanced practice nurse, or to pursue a career in administration or healthcare policy. DNP courses are geared toward strengthening clinical skills and learning to excel at and develop clinical best practices. Graduates of DNP programs are nursing leaders who have the ability to transform healthcare.

The duration of the programs varies, as does the number of credits required for graduation. Many programs can be completed either on a part-time or full-time basis.

Online Programs

Some programs are offered online, which presents a huge benefit to students who are working full-time. This is a great opportunity for those living in Alaska, since there are a limited number of colleges and universities in the state. Chamberlain College of Nursing’s is one example of an accredited online DNP program. This particular program requires students to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in order to graduate. There are 4 practicum courses for a total of 500 clinical hours, and all students must complete a final project.

Admission Requirements

The entry requirements for DNP programs in Alaska will vary. Some programs ask that all applicants have completed an MSN, while others will have programs that allow nursing students to enter from RN or BSN.

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