LPN to BSN Programs in North Carolina

North Carolina LPN to BSN Programs

Any LPN nurse in the state of North Carolina who wishes to pursue an advanced nursing degree may want to consider enrolling in an LPN to BSN program. An LPN to BSN program is an advanced nursing program offered by many traditional and online colleges. This nursing program is designed to build upon nurses’ existing knowledge and skills in the nursing industry and help them earn their advanced nursing degree faster. Nurses who hold a current and valid LPN certificate in the state of North Carolina and who have worked as an LPN nurse for at least six months may qualify for this college program.

The LPN to BSN program is structured very similar to a BSN program. The only real difference is that students in the LPN to BSN program may opt to test out of basic nursing courses. These courses are often ones that teach basic skills and knowledge to students. These skills and knowledge most LPN nurses already possess. Most online and traditional colleges offer nursing students in the LPN to BSN program the opportunity to test out of the class by taking a written test to prove their skills and knowledge.

In addition to the regular nursing courses, nursing students are expected to take part in traditional college courses. Courses such as English, math, social science and communications are often required by many traditional and online colleges. Nursing students may have a choice in what courses they take, but they are required to maintain a certain GPA to stay in the LPN to BSN program. Most colleges require their nursing students to maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to be considered for the advanced nursing programs. Students that have a higher GPA may be considered before those with a lower GPA.

Students in North Carolina who might be interested in applying for an LPN to BSN program will find that the admission process is very similar to any four year college. Prospective students will be required to submit ACT or SAT results, proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate, and complete the admissions packet. Some online schools may require students to take a TEAS test, which tests a person’s general knowledge of grammar and math skills. Students who wish to enroll in the LPN to BSN program will need to submit proof of a valid and current LPN certificate and proof of working as an LPN nurse for at least six months.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in North Carolina

Winston-Salem State University

  • 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27110
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, LPN to BSN, RN, RN to BSN
    (336) 750-2000