LPN to BSN Programs in Maine

Maine LPN to BSN Programs

Nurses who hold an LPN certificate in the state of Maine are eligible to enroll in an accelerated college program that will help them earn their advanced nursing degree. Earning an advanced nursing degree, such as a bachelor’s of science in nursing degree, will help nurses work independently and earn a higher hourly wage. An LPN to BSN program will help nurses in the state of Maine earn their advanced nursing degree while using their experience and skills towards their courses or clinical work.

Most BSN degree programs are estimated to take approximately four to six years to complete. Students who take part in the LPN to BSN program will be able to complete their program in as little as three years. In some cases it may take four years to complete the degree, but anywhere from three to four years is the average amount of time. The reason the LPN to BSN program is faster than a traditional BSN program is because students are able to test out of courses that they feel they already possess the skills and knowledge taught in the course. A written test is administered and if a student passes they are exempt from taking that basic nursing course.

Students who enroll in the LPN to BSN program will still be expected to take part in regular, traditional college courses. These courses range from English to math and social science courses. All of these courses are required for almost any four year degree, including an advanced nursing degree. Those who are interested in taking part in the LPN to BSN program must maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to be considered for the program. Students who earn a higher GPA might be considered before those with lower GPAs.

Those who wish to enroll in an LPN to BSN program will need to complete the enrollment requirements for the schools. Enrollment requirements for the LPN to BSN program in the state of Maine is about the same as any four year college program. Admission requirements for this program will include showing proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate, submitting SAT or ACT scores, and completing the school’s admission packet. Prospective students will also need to submit proof of a current and valid Maine LPN certificate and proof that the student held a job in the healthcare or nursing industry for at least six months.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in Maine