LPN to BSN Programs in Utah

Utah LPN to BSN Programs

The nursing industry is expected to grow in the state of Utah over the next couple of years. Nurses who already hold an LPN certificate in the state of Utah might want to consider earning their advanced nursing degree in order to take advantage of all the great employment opportunities. LPN nurses in the state of Utah might want to consider enrolling in an LPN to BSN program at a local college or online university. This college program allows nursing students to earn their advanced nursing degree without having to quit their current LPN nurse job.

The LPN to BSN program is structured very similar to the traditional BSN program. Nursing students are expected to take part in a combination of classes that include traditional college courses and nursing courses. All nursing students will be required to take part in various courses ranging from English to math and social science. Students will be expected to earn at least a 2.5 GPA in these courses to be considered for the advanced nursing courses. Many schools will consider students that earn a higher GPA in these courses before those with a lower GPA.

When it comes to the nursing courses in an LPN to BSN program the structure can be different than a traditional BSN program. Nursing students in this accelerated nursing program have the option to test out of their basic nursing courses. When a student chooses to test out of a course they will be required to take a written test that encompasses all their knowledge and skills they would learn in that basic nursing course. If the student passes the test they are exempt from the basic nursing courses and can advance to the advanced nursing courses.

Admission to an LPN to BSN program is very similar to any four year college program. Prospective students are expected to submit proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate. They will also be required to submit any ACT or SAT scores, and in some cases TEAS scores. Nurses who wish to apply for the LPN to BSN program will also be required to submit proof of a valid and current Utah state LPN certificate. They will also need to provide proof that they held a job as an LPN nurse for at least six months. These admission requirements must be met before a student can be considered for this program.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in Utah