LPN to BSN Programs in Connecticut

Connecticut LPN to BSN Programs

A nurse who holds an LPN certificate is estimated to make approximately $13 to $20 an hour in the state of Connecticut. A nurse who holds a BSN degree is estimated to make approximately $19 to $35 an hour. Individuals in the state of Connecticut who wish to pursue a higher degree in nursing may want to consider attending a bridge program such as an LPN to BSN program. An LPN to BSN program is a program that allows students to use their previous knowledge and experience towards their higher degree. This allows students to earn their BSN degree faster than if they were to attend a traditional BSN degree program.

A traditional BSN degree program can take approximately four to six years to complete. The LPN to BSN program is designed to allow students to earn their BSN degree is three to four years. This faster pace is attributed to a number of factors. First, students are able to opt to test out of basic and intermediate nursing classes. Testing out requires students to take a written test that allows them to show their knowledge and experience in the course. If a student tests out they are not required to take the class and can move on to the other more advanced course.

Another reason the LPN to BSN program allows students to earn their degree faster is because students are able to use their work experience towards their clinical hours. Every student who wishes to earn a BSN degree must put in several hours of clinical duty. However, in the LPN to BSN program students are able to use their existing nursing job towards their clinical hours. This removes the pressure to have to take part in clinicals, study for courses, and work at a real job.

Prospective students who are interested in applying to an LPN to BSN program in the state of Connecticut will only be required to submit proof of several things. Students will need to submit proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate, ACT or SAT scores, and letters of recommendation. Students will also be required to submit proof of a valid LPN certificate and proof that the student has worked at least six months in a healthcare setting where their nursing skills were needed. Students who are already in the LPN to BSN program will need to also maintain a GPA of 2.5 to stay in the program.

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