LPN to BSN Programs in New Jersey

New Jersey LPN to BSN Programs

Pursuing an advanced nursing degree while currently working as a nurse can be tough, but a new college program offered at many traditional and online colleges is designed specifically to help individuals earn a bachelor’s of science in nursing degree. Many colleges in the state of New Jersey offer a program known as an LPN to BSN program. This college program is designed to help nurses who are currently working in the healthcare sector earn their advanced nursing degree in three to four years, as compared to the four to six years a traditional BSN program takes to complete.

The structure of the LPN to BSN program is very similar to any traditional BSN program. Nursing students will be expected to take part in a variety of regular college courses ranging from English to math. They will also be expected to take a variety of healthcare and nursing courses. The nursing courses will range from basic nursing skills to advanced nursing. The difference with the LPN to BSN program is that nursing students have the ability to test out of basic nursing courses. Nursing students can opt to take a comprehensive test that shows they already have the skills and knowledge learned in the basic nursing courses.

Another appealing aspect of the LPN to BSN program is the ability to use work experience towards a nursing student’s clinicals. All nursing students must take part in clinicals. Clinicals is a separate course where nursing students gain hands-on experience using the skills and knowledge they learn from their degree program. When a student takes part in an LPN to BSN program they have the option to use some of their work at their employer towards the hours they need to put in for clinicals. This option often speeds up the time it takes to complete the BSN degree.

Prospective students in the state of New Jersey who wish to pursue an LPN to BSN program will need to complete a few requirements before being considered for admissions to the program. Prospective students must show proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate, submit SAT or ACT scores, and complete an admissions packet. Nursing students who wish to take part in the LPN to BSN program must also show proof of a current and valid LPN certificate. They must also submit proof that they held a job for at least six months at an employer where their nursing skills were required.

LPN to BSN Schools Near You & Online in New Jersey