Georgia CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in GA?

CNA salary in Georgia

The CNA salary in Georgia is one that many people feel is simply too low when compared to the rest of the country. In the United States, the average wage of a CNA was around $27,000 in 2010. Some feel that Georgia falls far below this. The range for a CNA’s salary in Georgia is anywhere from about $18,000 to about $24,000. The difference is that the cost of living in many parts of Georgia is much lower than it is in other parts of the country such as Vermont or New York.

The CNA salary in Georgia can also vary depending on where a CNA works. For example, a CNA who works in a rural area will make less than a CNA who works in a city. This is because it costs less to live in rural areas than in cities so the salaries have been adjusted to reflect that. CNAs who work in a nursing home caring for the elderly are usually considered to have the smallest salary but this also depends on location and employer. A nursing home that is connected to a city hospital typically pays more than a small private nursing home run by a private company.

The salary range for a CNA in Georgia is just that – a range. The CNA salary in Georgia can be very different depending on the CNA’s employer. CNAs can work in many different areas. A CNA can find work caring for the elderly in a nursing home, working with children in a school district, or working for a local government in a public health clinic. CNAs can also work with private companies, in home health care, or can be self employed. CNAs will typically make more working for the state or federal government than they will working for schools or private companies. Self employment allows a CNA to work with their own clients at their own price.

One of the most important things that affect CNA salary in Georgia is experience. The more experience a CNA has the more valuable they are and the more likely they are to get the higher paying positions. As with any job, entry-level CNAs typically earn much less than a CNA who has two or more years of experience. Some employers require at least a year of experience before hiring a CNA so many begin their careers in home health and nursing homes.