
Michigan CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in MI?

CNA salary in Michigan

The CNA salary in Michigan can range from around $20,000 to $24,000. For the United States, the average salary of a CNA ranges from $18,000 to $32,000. This means that Michigan runs at about the middle of the range for CNA salaries. There are quite a few things that can affect how much money a CNA makes. Experience is one of the most important things but job location and the actual employer are also important considerations.

The actual program that you go through to be certified as a CNA is not as important as the actual certification and will not affect your CNA salary in Michigan. Programs are available online, through correspondence schools and through local technical schools. Any program that offers certification as a certified nursing assistant needs to include hands on training. After all, CNAs have to know skills such as how to monitor a person’s pulse rate and blood pressure and you cannot learn those skills without hands on experience. Some employers offer training programs that will give you certification if you agree to work for the employer for a certain amount of time.

Employers are everywhere in Michigan and important to the CNA salary in Michigan. When you are going through training or right after you are certified you need to think about who you want to work for. Do you want to work for a hospital, nursing home, or government agency? Would you prefer to work in home health care or for a local school district? Some employers offer a higher salary than others do and some require more experience than others. For example, most hospitals will want at least a year of experience before hiring you but other places may be happy to hire a newly certified CNA.

Think about where you want to work when you are considering the CNA salary in Michigan. CNAs who work in rural areas are usually paid less than in urban areas. Suburban areas are paid right around the middle of those two. The reason is that it is believed to be more expensive to live in urban areas than rural areas so the pay reflects the cost of living. Sometimes, an area that is not as attractive, such as very remote areas or those with a very poor population, will have employers who offer more money and benefits in exchange for CNAs who are willing to work there.