BSN Programs in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania BSN Programs – An Important Step for Your Career

Compared to the majority of job markets in America, the medical field may provide the best opportunities available as far as employment is concerned. Becoming a nursing professional will allow you to work in a variety of settings including hospitals, private practices, health clinics, long term care facilities, hospice companies, and more. BSN programs in Pennsylvania can help you get the most out of your nursing career by allowing you to earn your Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. These degrees are favored by most employers, and the Institute of Medicine has suggested that the percentage of professional nurses with a Bachelor’s Degree be increased to eighty percent over the next decade.

While it is quite possible to become a nurse through a two year program, the four year BSN program provides a number of advantages over these shorter courses. In addition to teaching students all of the needed skills to excel as a nurse such as administering medicine, filling out charts, and collecting samples, BSN programs in Pennsylvania also provide knowledge that will allow students to move away from bedside care and assume a professional or administrative position not available without a Bachelor’s Degree. Either through initial hiring or through later promotions, holding a BSN will help you advance your career further than would be possible otherwise.

Like doctors, nurses can specialize in certain areas of care. Nursing anesthetists, midwife specialists, clinical nursing specialists, and other positions are positions frequently earned on the foundation of a BSN. BSN programs in Pennsylvania provide students with all of the core knowledge needed to continue their education further and assume one of these highly respected, challenging positions. Even becoming a head nurse is difficult or impossible to do without holding a Bachelor’s Degree. Since a BSN program will teach not only the fundamentals of nursing but also communication and leadership skills, your qualifications for more advanced jobs will be increased tremendously.

Four year BSN programs in Pennsylvania are the best way to begin a career in nursing. After graduation and completion of the nursing licensing exam, you will be qualified for numerous positions in many different medical settings. And if you hope to continue your education and become a clinical nursing specialist or even a nurse practitioner, holding a BSN is the first step towards completing these goals. Whatever you hope to achieve as a nursing professional, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing will help you to reach your specific goals.

BSN Schools Near You & Online in Pennsylvania