Phlebotomy Programs in Texas

How to Become a Phlebotomy Technician in Texas and Phlebotomy programs in Texas

It is essential to have the best possible training available when you want to get into the field of phlebotomy. In Texas, one of the best schools to get the necessary training to be a phlebotomist is the Central Texas Phlebotomy Institute in New Braunfels, located in central Texas. Phlebotomy students learn procedures through attending lectures and getting hands-on experience. The Central Texas Phlebotomy Institute provides an affordable program which teaches students to be productive in their careers as phlebotomists. Training at the institute is provided for students who are training to be phlebotomists, but also for medical professionals including CNAs, respiratory therapists, radiographers, laboratory assistants, and EMTs, that require continuing education.

The training through the Central Texas Phlebotomy Institute is also available at several other locations around Texas, and is made available to correctional and law enforcement officers who may need the training in order to draw blood. Students learn phlebotomy procedures in class while getting the necessary training. Students learn procedures for drawing blood on themselves and other students in a supervised setting that is completely safe.

In addition to learning how to draw blood, students receive training in collecting blood, safe procedures for handling specimens, complications and hazards that may arise, standards for OSHA, the anatomy of veins, techniques for keeping all equipment sterile, how to choose the proper equipment, and medical terminology. Students also have the opportunity to interact one on one with instructors when they have questions or need additional help during the training. The training at the Central Texas Phlebotomy Institute is conducted over a 2 day period. The course is completed in 18 hours, and includes supervised hands-on training using a variety of techniques that students learn during the 2 day workshop. At the conclusion of the workshop, each student must pass a written exam.

After successfully passing the phlebotomy training, job placement is not provided. However, students are provided with a list of leads for employment within 100 miles of where they take their training. Although some phlebotomists only have training at a vocational college, many choose to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree to be considered for higher paying jobs. Generally, new phlebotomists can earn between $10.71 and $14.66 per hour, but can earn higher salaries with overtime. With 1 to 4 years of experience, Texas phlebotomists can earn over $13 an hour, and with over 10 years experience, salaries may be over $15 an hour.

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