CNA Schools

CNA Classes in Cee Vee, Texas

Cee Vee CNA Training - Texas

You can receive your CNA certification in as little as 3 to 8 weeks.

Admissions Advisor Tip: Don't limit your options. Contact multiple schools to to compare their different offers, like financial aid packages.

How to Become a CNA in Cee Vee, Texas

Nursing Aides are in high demand throughout Texas. Upon receiving certification, many new graduates find employment very quickly. In Texas, medical field job security is higher than most careers. You can earn your CNA license after completing a very short training program. CNA course requirements vary by state according to state regulations. However, many CNA programs can be completed in 8 to 12 weeks. Plus, CNA courses are considerably cheaper than attending LPN school and are an excellent way to get started in a healthcare career.

PCT · CNA · CMA – What’s the Difference?

This depends on where you live. Some PCT courses include EKG and phlebotomy training. Some Patient Care Technician programs also include HHA (Home Health Aid) certification. However, in some work environments the titles CNA and PCT are used interchangably. Some hospitals in Texas may be hiring Nurse Care Techs (NCT), a position which you can apply for with your CNA license.

CMA can stand for Certified Medication Aide or Certified Medical Assistant, both which perform separate but overlapping duties in the workplace.

How Much Does CNA Training Cost in Cee Vee?

Nursing assistant courses at vocational colleges and allied health schools usually range between $400 and $1200. When choosing a CNA school, learn about all the associated costs required at each institution. Some schools list their program cost as all expenses included. However other schools may also require you to purchase additional materials (such as books, scrubs and materials for your clinicals) which have separate fees from the tuition costs.

CNA Refresher Courses around Cee Vee usually cost around $100-$200.

Need Tuition Assistance?

While not all schools offer financial aid for students enrolled in their CNA course, some training programs may offer assistance to help with the cost of the course or certification. Also, some CNA employers will even pay for your Nurse Assistant training or reimburse you after you successfully complete your CNA training.

Some employers in Cee Vee will cover a percentage of your CNA tuition; others will pay tuition costs up to a specific dollar amount. Often, new CNAs are required to work a particular number of months at the employer that covered their school bills. Or you may just need to reimburse them for any of the tuition costs they paid on your behalf.

When Can I Start CNA Training in Cee Vee?

Many schools that offer CNA training have new sessions beginning every 6 to 8 weeks. In many areas in Texas, you can find CNA training starting in April 2024, May 2024, June 2024, or July 2024 available for registration now. Unlike nursing programs in Texas, you can usually find a school starting a new session of their CNA course fairly quickly. However, some schools offer CNA classes in semester format. At these schools, you may need to wait up 3 or 4 months to start your course.

Becoming a Nurse Aide in Cee Vee is a great way to quickly gain experience in the medical field. Also check out Texas CNA Salary info.

CNA Schools Near You & Online Near Cee Vee, Texas

Clarendon College

  • 1902 Avenue G NW #2 Childress, TX 79201
    Programs: CNA
    940 937-8668

Memphis Convalescent Center

  • 1415 N 18th Street Memphis, TX 79245
    Programs: CNA
    806 259-3566

Crowell Nursing Center

  • 200 South Ave B Crowell, TX 79227
    Programs: CNA
    940 684-1511

Clarendon College

  • 1122 College Drive Clarendon, TX 79226
    Programs: CNA, LVN

Community Care Center of Clarendon

  • Ten Medical Center Drive Clarendon, TX 79226
    Programs: CNA
    806 874-5221

Brazos Valley Care Home

  • 605 South Avenue F Knox City, TX 79529
    Programs: CNA
    940 658-3543

Vernon College – Vernon High School

  • 2102 Yucca Lane Vernon, TX 76384
    Programs: CNA
    940 553-3377

Vernon College

  • 4400 College Drive Vernon, TX 76384
    Programs: ADN, CNA, LVN, RN
    (940) 552-6291

Vernon College

  • 4105 Maplewood Wichita Falls, TX 76384
    Programs: CNA, Health Information Management-Associate, LVN
    (940) 552-6291

Kent County Nursing Home

  • 1443 North Main Street Jayton, TX 79528
    Programs: CNA
    806 237-3036

Munday Nursing Center

  • 421 W. F Street Munday, TX 76371
    Programs: CNA
    940 422-4541

Plainview High School

  • 1501 Quincy Plainview, TX 79072
    Programs: CNA
    806 296-4051

McLean Care Center

  • 605 W 7th McLean, TX 79057
    Programs: CNA
    806 779-2469

Gibson Care Center

  • 931 North Broadway Aspermont, TX 79502
    Programs: CNA
    940 989-3133

Palo Duro Nursing Home

  • 405 South Collins Street Claude, TX 79019
    Programs: CNA
    806 226-5121

Baylor County

  • 1110 Westview Seymour, TX 76380
    Programs: CNA
    940 889-3176

Legends of the Plains

Golden Plains Care Center

  • 605 W. 7th Post, TX 79356
    Programs: CNA
    806 495-2848

Haskell Health Care Center

  • 1504 N. First Street Haskell, TX 79521
    Programs: CNA
    940 864-8537

Wheeler Nursing and Rehabilitation LP

  • 1000 S. Kiowa Wheeler, TX 79096
    Programs: CNA
    806 826-3505

Parkview NATCEP

  • 901 Sweetwater Wheeler, TX 79096
    Programs: CNA
    806 826-5581

Texas Tech University

  • 2500 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79409
    Programs: Accelerated BSN, BSN, CNA, DNP, MSN, Nursing PhD, Physician Assistant, RN, RN to BSN
    (806) 742-2011

Kaplan College KHE

Lubbock I. S. D.

  • 1628 19th Street Lubbock, TX 79401
    Programs: CNA
    806 766-1000

Three Star Nurse Aide Training

  • 1914 34th St. Lubbock, TX 79411
    Programs: CNA
    806 747-4102

C P Support

  • 4635 34th Street Lubbock, TX 79410
    Programs: CNA
    806 777-6401

Heritage Oaks Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

  • 5301 University Ave. Lubbock, TX 79413
    Programs: CNA
    806 795-8792

Hamlin CNA

  • 345 NW Avenue F Hamlin, TX 79520
    Programs: CNA
    325 576-3817

Homeplace Manor Nurse Aide Training Program

  • 425 SW Avenue F Hamiln, TX 79520
    Programs: CNA
    325 576-3643

Hospitality Nursing & Rehabilitation Center LP, NA

  • 4710 Slide Rd Lubbock, TX 79414
    Programs: CNA
    806 797-3481

Computer Career Center – A Division of Vista College

Runningwater Draw Care Center

  • 800 W. 13th St. Olton, TX 79064
    Programs: CNA
    806 285-2677

Whisperwood Nursing and Rehabilitation

  • 5502 4th Street Lubbock, TX 79416
    Programs: CNA
    806 793-1111

South Plains College – Reese Center

  • 819 Gilbert Drive Lubbock, TX 79416
    Programs: CNA, EMT Paramedic, Health Information Management-Associate, LVN, Radiography
    (806) 885-3048

Clarendon College

  • 1601 W. Kentucky Pampa, TX 79065
    Programs: CNA
    806 665-8801

Community Care Center of Stamford

  • 1003 Columbia Street Stamford, TX 79553
    Programs: CNA
    325 773-3671

Crown Point Nurse Aide Training Program

  • 6640 Iola Street Lubbock, TX 79424
    Programs: CNA
    806 687-6640

Randall High School C.N.A. Program

  • 5800 Attebury Road Amarillo, TX 79118
    Programs: CNA
    806 677-2333

Canyon High School C.N.A.

  • 1701 23rd Street Canyon, TX 79015
    Programs: CNA
    806 677-2740

Southern Specialty Rehab & Nursing

  • 4320 19th Street Lubbock, TX 79407
    Programs: CNA
    806 795-1774