cardiovascular technician Programs in Texas

How to Become a Cardiovascular Technician in Texas and Cardiovascular Technician Programs in Texas

Students who want to work as a cardiovascular technician in Texas have several options they can pursue. Cardiovascular certificate and degree programs in Texas include extensive coursework and clinical experience. One of the schools in Texas that provides the training that a cardiovascular technician needs is El Centro College in Dallas. The school is part of the Dallas Community college District and provides low cost training for students. Students may either enroll in a certificate program or complete two years of a bachelor’s degree at the associate level. In order to complete a cardiovascular certificate program at El Centro College, a student must already have an associate’s degree in a health field, a bachelor’s with a science major, or a nursing degree.

In Houston, Texas, students may enroll in Cardiovascular Technologist Certificate Programs at Sanford-Brown. Most students get their cardiovascular technology training at a community college, and Sanford-Brown has an excellent program for students who want to pursue a career as a cardiovascular technician. Certificate and degree programs are available. Math and general science coursework is part of the training program. Students must also study vascular medicine, cardiology, ultrasounds, pulmonary medicine, and electrocardiology, in addition to analyzing blood samples and learning about personal hygiene. Students must also learn how to effectively use all of the standard equipment used in cardiovascular procedures.

Students who graduate from Sanford-Brown with either a certificate or a degree, are qualified to work in a variety of health fields. Careers for graduates are available as cardiopulmonary perfusionists, or cardiopulmonary rehab technicians, cardio diagnostic technicians, echocardiology technicians, or in cardio science. Sanford Brown provides courses of study in Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, and Medical Radiologic Technology. Certifications or Associates degrees are awarded upon completion of study.

Cardiovascular technicians that successfully complete an accredited program, have the opportunity to work in some of the best medical facilities in the country, especially if they live in Texas. For technicians who have less than one year of work experience, the average salary is between $32,500 and $62,000. However, this depends on the region of the country you live in. When a cardiovascular technician specializes in cardiac sonography, they can average between $20.35 and $31.45 an hour. The benefits for cardiovascular technicians are usually generous and include paid vacations and annual bonuses. Cardiovascular technicians who work in Texas, California, Florida, and Michigan earn the highest hourly salaries. Cardiovascular technicians in McAllen, Lubbock, College Station, Austin, and Brownsville make some of the highest salaries in the profession.

cardiovascular technician Schools Near You & Online in Texas