cardiovascular technician Programs in Florida

Cardiovascular Technician in Florida – Cardiovascular Technician Programs in Florida

Florida has the most cardiovascular technicians employed of any state in the country. In fact, the next closest state, California, employs only half the amount of CVT’s as the Sunshine State does. The mean annual income for a cardiovascular technician in Florida is $44,060. This works out to about $21.18 an hour. The national mean annual wage is $52,160, making the national hourly pay $25.08. Additional education can raise salary levels, as technicians with more training can perform more procedures. If you want to know how to become a cardiovascular technician in Florida, you will need to follow two steps.

After getting a high school diploma, you will need to complete an accredited cardiovascular technician program (usually one year) or an associate’s degree in cardiovascular technology (two years). Cardiovascular technician programs in Florida are offered by Edison State College, Health Opportunity Technical Center, Polk Community College, Valencia Community College, Santa Fe Community College, Barry University, and more. It is important to choose an accredited program, because completion of an accredited program is part of the requirements before certification testing. You should also make sure your training program has complete EKG training, as testing through EKG is becoming the industry standard practice.

When you are choosing from the cardiovascular technician programs in Florida, it can be helpful to understand that there are three types of certification. You will want training that prepares you for the job you intend to perform. The three types of certification for a cardiovascular technician in Florida are non-invasive echocardiography, invasive cardiovascular technologist, and vascular technician. Non-invasive echocardiography jobs involve monitoring Holter testing and performing stress tests, as well as assisting doctors with sonography. Vascular technicians take medical histories, take pulse, and monitor circulation problems. Invasive cardiovascular technologists can assist in cardiac catheterization, as well as non-invasive procedures.

When you have completed an accredited training program, it is time to get your certification. You can take the tests for certification in one, two, or all three areas, depending on your training. To become a cardiovascular technician in Florida, you will need to earn a certificate from CCI (Cardiovascular Credentialing International). Each of the three credentialing exams is a timed, multiple choice test that has 180 to 200 questions. Candidates will have 195 minutes to complete the test. The exam covers patient care, physiology, cardiovascular anatomy, and basic math skills. To be an excellent cardiovascular technician, you should have excellent communication skills, an ability to follow detailed instructions well, and the required knowledge, training, and certification.

cardiovascular technician Schools Near You & Online in Florida