cardiovascular technician Programs in Alaska

How to Become a Cardiovascular Technician in Alaska and Cardiovascular Technician Programs in Alaska

Cardiovascular technicians assist with imaging technology and treatments that focus on the cardiac and vascular systems. Duties include preparing patients for procedures, operating imaging equipment, and analyzing results. There are many ways to become a cardiovascular technician. While some schools in the United States offer specially designed programs for this career, Alaska does not have any of these. It is still possible to become a cardiovascular technician with the educational offerings in this state. Technologists can begin with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in nursing and receive on the job training for the duties specific to being a cardiovascular technician.

Alaska’s Institute of Technology offer two programs that can be helpful for individuals who want to become cardiovascular technicians. Students must begin with the nurse assistant training program and obtain certification as a nurse assistant. This program includes 114 classroom and lab hours, 8 hours of basic life support skills, and 108 hours in clinical rotation. With nurse assistant certification, students can go on to pursue the practical nurse program. This includes a total of 1,212 clock hours over the course of 176 days. Courses take place from 8am to 3pm, Monday through Friday and cover foundations of nursing, nursing care, treatments, and legal issues.

The University of Alaska Anchorage School of Nursing offers several nursing programs. Students here can pursue an AAS, BS, or MA in Nursing. Prior college courses are required for admission into all programs. A nursing pre-major is recommended. At the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, students can enroll in college as an Allied Health Non-Major for Nursing Candidate or a Certified in Allied Health: Pre-Nursing Qualifications Candidate. Upon completion of the required courses, students can apply for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing. This year-long program is provided by the University of Alaska Anchorage and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

By learning about how to become a cardiovascular technician in Alaska and cardiovascular technician programs in Alaska, students can equip themselves for a successful career in this field. Cardiovascular technicians are in great demand in this state. According to May 2011 data from the Bureau of Labor statistics, Alaska is the highest-paying state in the country for cardiovascular technologists and technicians. The mean annual salary here is $82,070. This is much higher than the national average for the same time period which is $52,160. With proper preparation, students can pursue a very lucrative career as a cardiovascular technician in Alaska.

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