cardiovascular technician Programs in Illinois

How to Become a Cardiovascular Technician in Illinois and Cardiovascular Technician Programs in Illinois

Cardiovascular technicians deal with imaging of the cardiac and vascular systems in the body. They perform a variety of tasks related to these procedures, from preparing patients to taking the images to maintaining records. For students interested in learning about how to become a cardiovascular technician in Illinois and cardiovascular technician programs in Illinois, the first step is to lay a solid foundation in high school. A background in science and math related courses will best prepare students for a career in this area. After high school graduation, students should plan to pursue some form of continuing education or college degree.

It is possible to become a cardiovascular technician in Illinois with a minimum of a one-year certificate program. The Hillside, Illinois campus of Sanford-Brown offers a certificate program for cardiovascular sonography/technology as well as an associate degree program in this field. Harper College offers an Associate of Science degree in cardiac technology. Obtaining an associate’s degree typically takes two years. Students who are interested in going to school part time may satisfy the prerequisites for an associate degree program as a part time student at any school and transfer these credits to a cardiac technology program. Clinical rotation is typically required at the end of these programs.

Individuals with a background in medicine may be able to become a cardiovascular technician in Illinois without taking a cardiovascular sonography course. For nurses or other professionals in health diagnostics, on the job training may be available. For specialties such as electrocardiogram (EKG) technology, one the job training is usually provided for a period of four to six weeks. Certification is not required by law for cardiovascular technicians. However, elective certification is available from the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Obtaining this certification generally increases an individual’s employment opportunities as most employers prefer to hire sonographers with these credentials.

As of May 2011, the mean annual wage for cardiovascular technicians and technologists was $47,010 in Illinois. Those with earnings in the top ten percent made more than $75,570 while those in the bottom ten percent made less than $27,560 The employment outlook for cardiovascular technologists and technicians is very favorable. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities for this profession are expected to grow by 29 percent over the 2010 to 2020 decade, which is much faster than average. The Chicago-Joliet-Naperville metropolitan district of Illinois has the second-highest employment level for this occupation in the country with 1,100 cardiovascular technicians and technologists.

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