New York LPN Salary - How Much Do LPNs Make in NY?

LPN Salary in New York – The Varying Wages of an LPN in New York

The salary an LPN in the state of New York makes will vary greatly depending upon a number of factors. LPN salaries are affected by where an individual went to school, how many years of experience they have in the healthcare industry, which employer you choose to work for, what shifts they work, and what part of New York they work in. If you are considering becoming an LPN in the state of New York, here’s a look at what the average LPN salary in New York and what factors can affect your salary as an LPN.

The average LPN salary in New York is around $55,000, which is about 17% higher than the nationwide average for LPN salaries. However, in the state of New York where you live and work can have a big impact on what you can expect to receive as a salary for being an LPN. Individuals who work in the New York City area of New York can expect to receive a higher than average LPN salary due to the extremely high cost of living in the city. Individuals who work in western or northern New York might make less than the average statewide salary.

Experience can also factor into what type of salary you receive as an LPN in the state of New York. Individuals who have recently graduated or who have little or no experience in the healthcare industry can expect to make less than the average LPN salary in New York. On the other hand, individuals who have extensive experience in the healthcare industry, especially if it’s in a specific field of medicine, or those who have worked for a specific employer for a number of years, can typically expect to receive a higher than average LPN salary.

The type of shifts offered by an employer will also impact what type of salary you receive as an LPN in the state of New York. Employers that offer LPNs the chance to work nightshifts, double shifts, or extended 12-hour shifts, will usually offer employees who pick up this shift a salary that is higher than the average LPN salary in New York. LPNs who work the night shift can make $6-$8 more than an LPN who works during the day. Working the double or extended shifts from an employer can sometimes give individuals a chance to earn double or triple their hourly wage.