Kentucky LPN Salary - How Much Do LPNs Make in KY?

Kentucky employed 10,490 of the 738,400 licensed practical nurses working in the United States, according to May 2018 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). At that time, the average annual salary in this state was $37,880, compared to $41,540 for the nation. While LPN salaries are lower in Kentucky, on average, this state ranks fourth in terms of affordability. The cost of living in the state of Kentucky is about ten percent below the national average. This means that individuals moving to Kentucky from a more expensive area can sustain their same standard of living on a lower salary.

LPNs earn a range of salaries, depending on their experience, employer, and location. In 2018, the LPNs with earnings in the tenth percentile made $29,320 or less, and those in the 25th percentile made $32,950 or less. The median annual salary was $37,080. LPNs with earnings in the 75th percentile made $42,940 or more, and those in the 90th percentile earned $47,620 or more.

The Louisville-Jefferson County area, which includes part of Indiana, had the highest annual salary at the time when the BLS data was recorded. At that time, the 3,010 LPNs in this area made an average of $39,370 per year. Salaries for this occupation ranged from below $31,760 to above $47,830. The cost of living in Louisville is about seven percent below the national average.

The East Kentucky nonmetropolitan area had the lowest average salary in this state. This area includes 21 counties in the eastern part of the state. The 1,200 LPNs working in this area earned an average of $33,160 per year. Salaries in this part of the state ranged from below $25,760 to above $39,300.

