BSN to DNP Programs

What is a BSN to DNP Program?

A BSN to DNP program allows a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree to obtain a doctorate degree in nursing. Depending on the state, some advanced nursing specialties such as nurse practitioners, nurse midwifes, and nurse anesthetists (CRNA) may require a doctoral-level degree. For registered nurses who would like to specialize, a BSN to DNP program may be an excellent opportunity to advance their career. Upon completing the program, the graduate will earn a master’s in nursing degree as well as their doctorate.

This type of program is geared towards practicing nurses who want to specialize. The student will need to make a decision on which track to take before starting classes.

How to Qualify For a BSN to DNP Program

Each school has its own criteria for entry. However, most have common criteria. The student must hold a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree from an accredited university. The nurse must also have an acceptable GPA from their BSN studies. The student may need good GRE scores if the school requires it. Most schools also want to see a resume and professional recommendations. The student must hold current RN licensing in their home state. The school may require the student to complete a personal statement and go through an interview as well.

Jobs Available for Nurses with a DNP Degree

Nurses who obtain DNP or other doctoral nursing degree have a wide variety of career choices. Some work as teachers or administrators or advice of public health policy. Others work in an advanced nursing specialty such as a nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or a nurse practitioner. Nurse educator often work in a college or university. Nursing administration jobs are available in education, hospitals, and other medical organizations. An advanced nursing specialty positions can be a very exciting career opportunity for RNs with post-graduate education.

DNP Salaries

Nurses who obtain a DNP degree can expect a can expect to be paid more than nurses without post-graduate education. A nurse midwife can earn $80,000 or more per year after graduation. A nurse anesthetist can make over $130,000 per year. As a national average, a registered nurse without an advanced degree may earn about $60,000. A BSN to DNP program can be a great opportunity for a nurse to fast-track their career and work in a specialized setting.

BSN to DNP Schools Near You & Online