Nebraska CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in NE?

CNA salary in Nebraska

With the economy being so difficult, many people are considering changing careers. One of the careers that many are considering is the healthcare career. A certified nursing assistant, or CNA, is a good way to get your foot in the healthcare industry door. Once you become a CNA and actually begin to do the work, you may find that you are quite content to remain a CNA as so many do. This is because the CNA is the one who deals the most with patients and some patients become like family. The CNA salary in Nebraska ensures that a CNA can have a comfortable living.

The CNA salary in Nebraska is dependent on several things such as the CNA’s experience level, location, and employer. The salary for a CNA typically ranges from around $20,000 to around $24,000. Nebraska, like most of the Midwest, is considered to have a lower cost of living which means that wages are lower there than they are for other parts of the country. Wages for CNAs also vary in the state itself. CNAs who work in city hospitals are more likely to be paid more than CNAs who work in rural hospitals or clinics. Those working in nursing homes are often paid the least but it is still a comfortable wage.

The experience of the CNA can be a deciding factor in the CNA salary in Nebraska. Those who have just finished training do not have any experience actually working with patients. It is guaranteed that these CNAs will make the least. After about a year, wages usually go up and after two or three years they have climbed significantly. Experienced CNAs are able to get higher salaries at more desirable employers. For example, hospitals often require a CNA to have at least a year’s worth of experience before applying but offer higher pay and better benefits to experienced CNAs.

Employers have a great deal of influence on the CNA salary in Nebraska. Larger hospitals are able to pay CNAs more and they usually have a higher reputation to maintain, so they will do everything they can to recruit the best. Nursing homes are used to a high turnover as new CNAs gain experience and then more on to higher paid jobs but are known to reward those who stay longer with higher pay and benefits if the CNA stays long enough to earn them.