Alabama CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in AL?

CNA salary in Alabama

You may be wondering what the CNA salary in Alabama is. This is a very good question because becoming a certified nursing assistant is most people’s first step to a career in the medical field. The job of a CNA is physically and mentally challenging and can be emotionally demanding. Because of this, many people look at the salary of a CNA long before they begin the training to become one. There are several factors that affect the salary that a CNA receives.

On average, a CNA in Alabama can expect to receive $18,720 to $22,880 per year. When compared to the average CNA salary for the United States, the CNA salary in Alabama is lower than in other parts of the country because the average salary for a CNA in the United States is $27,276 per year. Location is one factor. Those who work in more rural areas are paid less than those who work in a city. Location also plays a part in costs of living. The lower the cost of living, the lower the salary. Alabama is considered to have a lower cost of living so the salary for a CNA will be lower.

Another factor that affects the CNA salary in Alabama at is where a CNA works. Typically a CNA who works with the school district will make less than a CNA who works with a private company. The highest CNA salaries can be found working for state and local governments, hospitals, and the federal government. A CNA can also be self-employed by having private clients. This allows them to set their own wages and gives them the ability to build their own business. Most CNAs work in hospitals and nursing homes. A CNA may be able to receive overtime depending on the employer or may be paid extra to work weekends or longer shifts.

Experience has a lot to do with CNA salary in Alabama. Most CNA training programs last for a few months so most of the experience that a CNA gets is on the job. On average, a CNA with less than one year of experience makes around 20,000 dollars a year and can make up to $30,000 a year depending on where he or she works. A CNA with 10 years of experience may make up to $32,000 on average. Different employers may pay experienced CNAs more than this especially in hospitals and government jobs.