Kentucky CNA Salary - How Much Do CNAs Make in KY?

CNA salary in Kentucky

The CNA salary in Kentucky ranges from around $18,000 to $24,000 a year. This may seem like a low rate to pay CNAs but it actually reflects the cost of living in Kentucky. The state is considered to have a lower cost of living so the pay for all jobs is lower than it is in many parts of the country. CNAs do not have to make only what is in the range. A CNA, depending on location, experience, and employers, can actually earn much more than $24,000 a year if they truly want to.

Location plays a role in the CNA salary in Kentucky because different areas offer different rates of pay. This is not unusual and it is not something that is only found in Kentucky. Urban areas all over the country generally pay more than suburban areas. Suburban areas usually pay more than rural areas. This is true all over the nation and is decided based on how much it costs someone to live in that area. The more it costs to live there the higher the wages will be. In some areas, a higher salary is offered because no one wishes to work in the area normally or it is a very rural area that needs good CNAs.

How does experience affect CNA salary in Kentucky? Experience has a great deal to do with the salary that a CNA can make. Employers prefer to hire a CNA who has at least a year of experience. Usually hospitals are the places that CNAs want to work the most but they need experience. The experience comes from working in areas such as nursing homes and home healthcare agencies. Once a CNA has experience, they can apply to jobs that offer higher salaries and more benefits, such as jobs found with government agencies or large hospitals.

Employers can greatly affect the CNA salary in Kentucky. A CNA, no matter how experienced, can only make as much as the employer is willing to pay them. If a CNA works for 15 years in a nursing home and is not happy with the pay, the employer does not have to increase it or offer more benefits. Other employers will gladly offer higher pay and benefits in order to have CNAs come work for them, especially smaller clinics in rural areas that need the additional help or school districts who need help with things like children’s health screenings.