Phlebotomy Programs in Tennessee

Phlebotomy in Tennessee – Becoming a Phlebotomy Technician in Tennessee

Phlebotomy technicians collect blood samples from patients and prepare for laboratory analysis or transport. Getting a job in phlebotomy in Tennessee is fairly straight ahead. There are no requirements other than a high school diploma (or equivalent) set forth by the state to become a phlebotomy technician. However, many employers want phlebotomists with some type of training or certification. The certifying agencies for phlebotomy technicians include American Certification Agency for Healthcare Professionals (ACA), American Medical Technologists (AMT), American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP), National Credentialing Agency (NCA), National Healthcare Career Association (NHA), and the National Center for Competency Testing. Each credentialing body has specific certification criteria, but the general requirements include completion of an accredited training program, passing a written exam, and a certain amount of clinical experience.

Phlebotomy programs in Tennessee are offered by several schools, which include Southwest Tennessee Community College, Tennessee Technology Center at Nashville, Walters State Community College, East Tennessee State University, and The University of Tennessee at Knoxville. These programs typically teach students about the circulatory system (anatomy and physiology), procedures for collecting blood, measures for handling bodily fluids safely, and skin puncture techniques, as well as providing clinical practice. Some interpersonal skills may also be stressed, as a phlebotomy technician needs to be able to communicate well with patients, put them at ease, and gain their cooperation during blood collection because so many people have a fear of needles.

Phlebotomy technicians are primarily employed by hospitals (over half of all phlebotomy employment), but they can also get jobs at diagnostic and medical laboratories, physician offices, and government agencies. The average salary of a phlebotomy technician in Tennessee is $28,000 a year. Reference labs tend to pay more than other employers across the state, and salary can be higher based on experience, training, or credentials. In larger metropolitan areas, like Chattanooga, Nashville, Knoxville, and Memphis, a phlebotomist’s average salary is around $33,000, making it easier to get jobs and earn more money in these cities.

The job opportunities for phlebotomy in Tennessee are expected to grow around fifteen percent by 2020. This is consistent with the average across all occupations in the nation. Most phlebotomists work full time. They also work in facilities which are open beyond normal business hours, such as a hospital which is open around the clock. This means that a phlebotomist can have evening, overnight, or weekend hours, depending on the job he or she gets.

Phlebotomy Schools Near You & Online in Tennessee

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Chattanooga State Technical Community College

  • 4501 Amnicola Highway Chattanooga, TN 37406
    Programs: ADN, CNA, EMT Paramedic, Health Information Management-Associate, LPN, Medical Assistant, Nuclear Medicine Tech, Phlebotomy, Radiation Therapy, Radiography, RN, Sonography
    (423) 697-4404

Daymar Institute

Fortis Institute

MedVance Institute

Anthem Career College

Daymar Institute

Anthem Career College

Daymar Institute

Fortis Institute

  • 3354 Perimeter Hill Dr Ste 105 Nashville, TN 37211
    Programs: Phlebotomy, Radiography
    (615) 320-5917

Kaplan Career Institute

MedVance Institute

Southeastern Institute