Phlebotomy Programs in Florida

Phlebotomy in Florida – How to Become a Phlebotomist in Florida

Even though it is not a word most people use every day, phlebotomy is a field that has affected the lives of almost every American. Phlebotomy has to do with drawing blood. A phlebotomy technician takes blood when you need tests to determine what treatment will be effective for your illness or for a wellness check of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Phlebotomy only requires a little bit of training to attain a position. A full-time phlebotomy technician in Florida makes $21,000 to $28,000 a year. With the recent changes in health care coverage mandates and an expanding older population, the Phlebotomy job availability is expected to grow each year.

If you want to know how to become a phlebotomist in Florida, you should know that the state of Florida does not require phlebotomy technicians to have a certificate or license. You can learn phlebotomy on the job. However, your chances of getting a good job in this field are much better if you have completed some training. There are technical and vocational training programs that are as short as six months, as well as bachelor degree phlebotomy programs in Florida. To receive certification, you will need some practical experience with drawing blood. So after your training, you will need to find a job and work toward certification while employed.

There are four certifying organizations in the field of phlebotomy, but the Florida Area Health Education Centers endorse certification from the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) and the American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT). Certification requires passing an exam that includes anatomy, physiology, specimen collection, processing, and lab operations. Candidates also must have completed 25 skin punctures and 100 successful venipunctures during 6 months of full time work. Attaining your certification can make you eligible for promotions in your job, raises, or other job openings.

Some of schools offering phlebotomy programs in Florida include Winter Park Tech, Brevard College, Pasco-Hernando Community College, and more. Job opportunities for phlebotomy in Florida are available at hospitals, private clinics, reference laboratory, and doctors’ offices. The highest hourly wage is offered at reference labs, with private clinics in second place. It is a good idea to find several employment locations for phlebotomists in your area and find out what their hiring requirements involve. Potential phlebotomists must have a knowledge of the circulation system, a calming demeanor, and good interpersonal skills. They also can’t be squeamish when it comes to blood.

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