Accelerated MSN Programs in Washington

Accelerated MSN Programs in Washington

The state of Washington offers students pursuing degrees in the field of Science and Nursing many different opportunities and options, although for students that are somewhat more dedicated to their studies and want to complete their degrees in less time, there is an alternative to standard programs. If you will be studying for your Master’s degree in Science and Nursing in the state of Washington, then accelerated MSN programs in Washington can be effective solutions that allow you to complete your degree more quickly than a standard program. Here, we’ll go over how accelerated MSN programs can help you, as well as how to find the right program for your individual needs.

Accelerated MSN programs in Washington allow students to get their Master’s degree in Science and Nursing more quickly because the material is presented in a compressed format, reducing the number of class sessions per course required to complete a program. However, students must make up for the compressed material by putting in an increased level of coursework at home, meaning accelerated MSN programs tend to be more work intensive than a standard postgraduate program. Students who are willing to spend more time working on their studies each day can benefit from an accelerated program and receive their degrees quickly.

If you are interested in obtaining your Master’s degree in Science and Nursing, then there are a number of accelerated MSN programs in Washington that might be perfect for your needs. Each program is different, and will provide a different time frame as well as different requirements for completing the course. Depending on your educational background and what areas of specialization you intend to pursue for your degree, certain MSN programs will be better suited to your individual needs.

In order to find the best accelerated MSN program for you, it helps to do a little bit of comparative research beforehand. This directory is intended to give students a resource with which they can browse through the accelerated MSN programs in Washington, and choose the best program for their particular situation. You can also get more detailed information by visiting each program’s page. If you would like to learn more about accelerated MSN programs in the state of Washington, or to receive updates regarding new programs and changes to existing ones, you can leave your contact information to be signed up for our mailing list.

Accelerated MSN Schools Near You & Online in Washington

Seattle University

  • 901 12th Avenue Seattle, WA 98122
    Programs: Accelerated MSN, BSN, DNP, Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner - certificate, MSN, Psychiatric Nursing, Public Health Nursing, RN, Sonography
    (206) 296-6000

Pacific Lutheran University

  • 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447
    Programs: Accelerated MSN, BSN, Clinical Nurse Leader, Family Nurse Practitioner, LPN to BSN, MSN, RN, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
    (253) 531-6900