CNA Schools

CNA Classes in Clifton Park, New York

Clifton Park CNA Training - New York

You can receive your CNA certification in as little as 3 to 8 weeks.

Admissions Advisor Tip: Don't limit your options. Contact multiple schools to to compare their different offers, like financial aid packages.

Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Clifton Park, New York

Are you considering a rewarding career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Clifton Park, New York? This guide will provide you with all the information you need to understand the process of becoming a CNA, including local training programs, employment opportunities, and certification requirements.

About Clifton Park

Clifton Park, located in Saratoga County, New York, is a vibrant community known for its excellent quality of life and beautiful surroundings. With a mix of suburban neighborhoods and green spaces, Clifton Park offers a welcoming environment for both residents and visitors. For more information about Clifton Park, visit the official town website.

CNA Training Programs in Clifton Park, New York

If you're looking to enroll in a CNA program in Clifton Park, here are some local schools offering Nursing Assistant courses:
  1. Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC)
    • Location: Troy, NY (Approximately 20 miles from Clifton Park)
    • Program Description: HVCC offers a comprehensive CNA program that includes classroom instruction and hands-on clinical experience. The program prepares students for the New York State CNA certification exam.
    • HVCC Nursing Assistant Program
  2. Schenectady County Community College (SCCC)
    • Location: Schenectady, NY (Approximately 15 miles from Clifton Park)
    • Program Description: SCCC provides a CNA training program designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in the healthcare field. The program includes both theoretical and practical training components.
    • SCCC Nursing Assistant Program
  3. Capital Region BOCES
    • Location: Albany, NY (Approximately 20 miles from Clifton Park)
    • Program Description: Capital Region BOCES offers a CNA training program that combines classroom learning with clinical practice. The program is designed to prepare students for the state certification exam and entry-level employment.
    • Capital Region BOCES Nursing Assistant Program

CNA Employment Opportunities in Clifton Park

Once you have completed your CNA training, there are several healthcare facilities and nursing homes in Clifton Park where you can seek employment:
  1. Shenendehowa Adult Community Center
    • Location: Clifton Park, NY
    • Description: This community center offers various services for seniors, including healthcare support. They often have employment opportunities for CNAs.
    • Shenendehowa Adult Community Center
  2. Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
    • Location: Scotia, NY (Approximately 15 miles from Clifton Park)
    • Description: This facility provides comprehensive nursing and rehabilitation services. They frequently hire CNAs to assist with patient care.
    • Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
  3. Ellis Medicine
    • Location: Schenectady, NY (Approximately 15 miles from Clifton Park)
    • Description: Ellis Medicine is a healthcare system offering a range of medical services. They have multiple locations and often have openings for CNAs.
    • Ellis Medicine Careers

CNA Certification Requirements in New York

To become a CNA in New York, you must meet the following requirements:
  1. Complete a State-Approved CNA Training Program: Enroll in and complete a program that is approved by the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
  2. Pass the New York State CNA Certification Exam: This exam consists of a written (or oral) test and a skills evaluation.
  3. Submit an Application: Apply for certification through the New York State Department of Health.
  4. Background Check: Undergo a criminal background check as part of the certification process.
For more detailed information, visit the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Education Department.

Get Started Today

Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Clifton Park, New York, is a fulfilling career choice with numerous opportunities for growth. Start your journey today by contacting one of the local schools listed above and enrolling in a CNA program. Your future in healthcare awaits!

How to Become a CNA in Clifton Park, New York

Nursing Aides are in high demand throughout New York. Upon receiving certification, many new graduates find employment very quickly. In New York, medical field job security is higher than most careers. You can earn your CNA license after completing a very short training program. CNA course requirements vary by state according to state regulations. However, many CNA programs can be completed in 8 to 12 weeks. Plus, CNA courses are considerably cheaper than attending LPN school and are an excellent way to get started in a healthcare career.

PCT · CNA · CMA – What’s the Difference?

This depends on where you live. Some PCT courses include EKG and phlebotomy training. Some Patient Care Technician programs also include HHA (Home Health Aid) certification. However, in some work environments the titles CNA and PCT are used interchangably. Some hospitals in New York may be hiring Nurse Care Techs (NCT), a position which you can apply for with your CNA license.

CMA can stand for Certified Medication Aide or Certified Medical Assistant, both which perform separate but overlapping duties in the workplace.

How Much Does CNA Training Cost in Clifton Park?

Nursing assistant courses at vocational colleges and allied health schools usually range between $400 and $1200. When choosing a CNA school, learn about all the associated costs required at each institution. Some schools list their program cost as all expenses included. However other schools may also require you to purchase additional materials (such as books, scrubs and materials for your clinicals) which have separate fees from the tuition costs.

CNA Refresher Courses around Clifton Park usually cost around $100-$200.

Need Tuition Assistance?

While not all schools offer financial aid for students enrolled in their CNA course, some training programs may offer assistance to help with the cost of the course or certification. Also, some CNA employers will even pay for your Nurse Assistant training or reimburse you after you successfully complete your CNA training.

Some employers in Clifton Park will cover a percentage of your CNA tuition; others will pay tuition costs up to a specific dollar amount. Often, new CNAs are required to work a particular number of months at the employer that covered their school bills. Or you may just need to reimburse them for any of the tuition costs they paid on your behalf.

When Can I Start CNA Training in Clifton Park?

Many schools that offer CNA training have new sessions beginning every 6 to 8 weeks. In many areas in New York, you can find CNA training starting in May 2024, June 2024, July 2024, or August 2024 available for registration now. Unlike nursing programs in New York, you can usually find a school starting a new session of their CNA course fairly quickly. However, some schools offer CNA classes in semester format. At these schools, you may need to wait up 3 or 4 months to start your course.

Becoming a Nurse Aide in Clifton Park is a great way to quickly gain experience in the medical field. Also check out New York CNA Salary info.

CNA Schools Near You & Online Near Clifton Park, New York

Schenectady County Community College

  • 78 Washington Avenue Schenectady, NY 12305
    Programs: CNA
    (518) 621-4007

Capital District EOC

  • 145 Congress Street Troy, NY 12180
    Programs: CNA
    (518) 273-1900

Capital District EOC

  • 30 North Russell Rd Albany, NY 12206
    Programs: CNA
    (518) 273-1900

Fulton – Montgomery Community College

  • 2805 State Highway 67 Johnstown, NY 12095
    Programs: ADN, CNA, Radiography, RN
    (518) 736-3622

Columbia-Greene Community College

  • 4400 Route 23 Hudson, NY 12534
    Programs: ADN, CNA, RN
    (518) 828-4181

Mohawk Valley Community College

  • 1101 Sherman Drive Utica, NY 13501
    Programs: ADN, CNA, Health Information Management-Associate, RN
    (315) 792-5400